Thursday, December 4, 2008

L is for the Way You Look When You're Busting that Egyptian Solider Boy Move at the Roxbury, Give Gibran a Chance, and Slacking on the Campaign Trail

It's been awhile since I last posted actually I started to write a post on Black Friday, but stopped midway through. Basically it was me venting about my Black Friday experience and how I don't function waking up at the ass crack of dawn. I'll spare everyone the elaborate details.

I went to my good friend Tallie's wedding this week-end and it was a blast! I had the best time (something  I really needed). This wedding has to be one of the top weddings I ever attended. The reception hall was gorgeous! Grand staircase and all. The bride and groom's first dance was to the song that goes, "L is for the way you look at me...." and in the middle of the song the started doing the Night at the Roxbury head bob into the entire dance, the Solider Boy dance, Walk Like an Egyptian, The Apache Dance, and I think a few more, finishing with the song they started with. No one expected it, not even the maid of honor, which was Chi Chi btw. It was great. I told the groom afterwards he did an excellent job and he said, "Yeah, it was two weeks worth of practice and me going, 'Ok, I'll do it..... No I can't!.... ok, I will.... Wait! I can't!.... Ok, I will....".... haha.... awesome. It was a lot of fun and a great time to catch up with friends I haven't seen in awhile.

While, I was at the wedding Harley texted me the scores of the Sabres/Canadiens game. When the final score of the game text came, I was said a crap outloud! and my good friend Luan, goes, what's wrong? I go the Sabres just lost, she said oh, like you and your sabres, when we were in rehearsals during the 2006-2007 NHL playoff season, you were constantly talking about how your Sabres were kicking ass and taking names and going to win the Stanley Cup and you are the stereotypical crazy Buffalo Sports fan. Her roommate during college was from East Aurora and a HUGE Sabres fan as well. She understands how I bleed blue and gold during hockey season, that's why I'm friends with her and love her. But I digress, so after an amazing season start for both the Bills and Sabres, it appears they are both running out of gas to win the race. hmmmmmmm...... being the die-hard fan that I am, I still am going to say that this is still Buffalo's year and we are still going to win the Super Bowl and Stanley cup! I still Billieve! This is just a big pothole in the road. Nothing we can't overcome.

I am not liking Trent Edwards being injured though! This means Losman has to go in..... after his performance in the second half of last Sunday's game, this makes me a wee bit nervous, but maybe he can get his act together this week, maybe? Can we skip over him and try and see how well Gibran Hamdan plays? I mean we already know how Losman plays, so why not give Gibran a chance? He never has had the opportunity to play in an NFL game, so let's give him a shot, shall we? He is Trent Edwards right hand man, maybe some of Tredwards talent, work ethic, leadership, and professionalism rubbed off on Gibran or maybe he already possesses all theses qualities. Personally I don't know because we never really hear anything about him. Heck, if Tredwards can't play on Sunday, why not give Gibran a chance, in all seriousness what is there to lose?

Since, I have pretty much slacked on my campaign duties for the "Honk the Vote! Gaustad in '09!" campaign, I am going to try and make up for it. All right who am I kidding, believe it or not I actually do have a life, well a professional life, my social is slacking and my personal, well let's not even open that can of worms, this campaign isn't going to receive my undivided attention, but it's a nice time filler when am a wee bit bored and well I honestly do believe Paul Gaustad should play in the 2009 NHL All*Star Game. So, the updates no the campaign front are as follows:

~ Sunday after Church, Sunday School, and me running the Sunday School Christmas Program Practice me and Harley will be making the "Honk the Vote! Gaustad in '09!" t-shirts and will be wearing the t-shirts to the pub we watch the Sabres game at on Dec. 10th games and will officially be taking the Honk the Vote! campaign to the streets that day!

~ Goose currently has *drum roll please*......260 votes! Once again, this is campaign is going slowly, but surely! I'm hoping for more votes once we take the campaign to the street.

~ I  have also sent my friends messages via facebook and myspace about voting, but most of them aren't hockey fans, so they may not be voting.....

That's the latest update from the "Honk the Vote! Gaustad in '09!" campaign. Thank you to everyone who has supported this campaign and keep honking!



Cari said...

Oh, wow... He looks like a wooly mammoth... I love it!

Casey said...

hahaha....whoa, haven't seen that pic before. dont' get me wrong i love goose with a lil scratchy beard, but not such a fan with the wooly mammoth. lol. so we're watching the game on the 10th? i thought you have stuff going on monday??